Tuesday, March 25, 2008

No Sleep

I need a jolt of caffeine. Not a little, a lot. The amount of caffeine that would result from giving Juan Valdez a Mountain Dew enema.

Luckily, my lack of sleep is from being up late due to inspiration. I had outlined and began putting down final dialogue for the pilot of my animated show, but something didn't feel right about it. It just didnt feel complete. So at about 9PM last night, I decided that I would begin to think about the possibility of mulling over a potential rewrite of the last two thirds of the script. I assumed that I could work on artwork and think about the script in the meantime.

However, once my head hit the pillow, my mind raced and I thought of several natural progressions in the script until one that actual works raced in. So at 11:30, I went into my spare bedroom, or the room made of dry erase boards, at began writing notes. Back into bed by 1 and could not sleep until about 2:30.


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